Valmiera's Green School Preschool

At preschool, kids get to know about themselves, others, the surrounding world, and how events interact with each other. They become more independent. A child forms their first conscious learning experience, which influences personality development and whether they will learn with joy, be able to concentrate, and explore things, phenomena, and connections. This experience is the foundation for future school years.

The primary activity of preschool children is play, so the pedagogical process is organized in a way that children, according to their abilities, learn during integrated play activities throughout the day indoors and outdoors. Through play, children get to know themselves, nature, society, acquire cross-cutting skills, and develop habits and virtues based on values.

Lessons are planned for at least a month on a relevant topic, taking into account holidays, seasonal customs, and traditions related to events in the surrounding environment and the world, focusing on the skills that will be developed.

From the moment a child starts attending a preschool education program, they begin preparing for school. Education becomes mandatory for children starting at the age of five. The preschool education program is for children up to seven years old. Depending on the child's health condition and psychological preparedness, the completion of the preschool education program can be extended by one year if necessary, considering the parents' wishes and the opinion of a family doctor or psychologist.

Preschool groups:

  • Ābele (age 1 to 2)
  • Ozols (age 2 to 3)
  • Bērzs (age 3 to 4)
  • Kļava (age 4 to 5)
  • Pīlādzis (age 5 to 6)
  • Liepa (age 6 to 1st grade)

In one preschool group there is no more than 15 children.